Jun 18Liked by Suyin Tan

this story really touched me deeply! thank you so much for *creating* this 🫶🏻

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Thank you so much for reading and sharing this with me, Alexa! 🥹 It means a lot and I really appreciate you being here 💜 (p.s. also so lovely to see you in TDR Cafe today! ☕️)

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Ahhhh once again I am in awe of your beautiful words 😭 I admire so much your ability to go in such depth, into the soul of your experience to find the song we all need to hear from you🥹 this piece made me feel so much! Heard, understood, held and safe! Thank you for giving us permission to just be here, to trust life. I absolutely will come back to this when I need a warm hug or when I feel in doubt, truly wise and tender words✨ thank you for sharing your sacred relationship with your art and giving me hope today and always 🤍

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Thank you so much, Nadia!! 😭 The way you describe my art always moves, expands and lights up my heart so much 💖 I'm so, so glad to hear that you felt heard, understood, held and safe here and in this piece – it's the same feeling for me to have all that I write and share here so sweetly, tenderly and beautifully received by you and each person reading here 🥹 Thank you always for giving a warm, safe and loving home to my words too! I am truly so grateful to you for being here. This little corner of the world is always open and welcome to you whenever you need a warm hug and a bath in sunshine! 🌞🪴 So much love to you 💛💛

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SO much love for you and your magical words💌 Simply cannot wait for more 💗

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Jun 18Liked by Suyin Tan

Suyin, this has touched me in so many different ways. I have many similar parts in me that vibrate in agreement. Right now I feel all the (impossibly important!) making space for something, itself also needs to make space for me to draw life closer, so close, that me and creation become almost the same. Not only something I do, but something I am.

Thank you for bringing us to your world🖤

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Anna, thank you so much!! 🥲🥲 Knowing how my writing touches you really means everything to me 🩵 I so agree with how making space draws us closer to life and the essence of creation (as creation is, after all, the essence of nature too, to which we belong). That essence is what our heart starts to hear and our spirit starts to sense when space frees them to do so. And I think that’s what brings us to the place you described so beautifully – where we and creation become almost the same, and creating is not something we do, but something we just are – I love this so much! Artists are artists because of the way we flow in, dance with, and become the world around us ✨

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Jun 18Liked by Suyin Tan

Thank you so much for sharing dear Suyin. Thank you for the reminder to be kind and gentle with myself.

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Thank you so much for being here, dear Rosa!! 💕 I’m so glad that this could help bring more kindness and gentleness into your everyday 🥲 lots of love to you 🍵🌷

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Jun 18Liked by Suyin Tan

Suyin, what a joy to read this. It really moved me and spoke to so many similar emotions I've experienced but haven't been able to fully express, and you convey it all so beautifully and perfectly. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world! I absolutely love reading your pieces 💜

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Alex, thank you so much for your beautiful words!! 🥹 It means so much to know that this helped put words to some of what you’ve felt and experienced, and also that we’re not at all alone in our emotions and experiences. I truly appreciate you for being here, and to know that you love reading my pieces means so much more to me than I can say 🥲💖💛

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Oh Suyin, how deeply I see myself mirrored in your words and experience. Thank you so much for sharing your words, your heart, your generous creations 🤍 here to remembering, and continuing to remember, that we’ve been creators all along 🕊️

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Thank you so much, dear Aaliyah, for your kind words of love! 🪻I’m so glad to know that this resonates for you too – art has that magical way of bringing kindred spirits together! ✨ Yes, to being artists and creators, by nature, and always! Lots of love 💕

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Oh Suyin this is everything. So so beautiful and moving. I felt it all.

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Thank you so much, Mollie!! It means so much to know that! 🥹 I really appreciate you reading and being here 💙✨

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Jun 19Liked by Suyin Tan

Aahh Suyin, this made me cry 😭 That letter touched a deep part in my heart. This was such a beautiful, evocative piece, and too damn relatable!!

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Ahhh dear Rachel!! From a deep part of my heart to yours! 😭💜 It came from a place of tears and memories, and we are connected that way! 💌 Thank you so much for reading and sharing this, and being here, always. So much love!! ✨🌷

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Omg… I cried while eating a meal my mother made, I thought this would be a good time to read Suyin’s piece. Little did I know that each line, each feeling would break my heart open. It could be that I’m in luteal but I also don’t want to diminish the impact to my hormones/ a phase. This is beautiful. I’ve been feeling all sorts of feelings for the last 2 weeks and THIS captured it all. The worthiness entwined with creating, with being something/someone out there in this world. Halfway through I was thinking, this should be a book (or a zine) and Mary Oliver kept repeating over and over. The mundanity of life captured in your plants, your dog, and a gorgeously delicious pasta for one. I have been there. And I am there right now. How ordinary life can feel, how soft and yet this is what I’ve always wanted. Sometimes, the simplest truly is the most beautiful, the most loving, the most soul fulfilling. Thank you for this reminder over and over again. Thank you for putting into words what I couldn’t even begin to grasp 🧡🐇🌙🍙🥹🌼🐚

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Dear Joscelyne, ahhh, this made me tear up, and each and every part of what you shared means the world to me!! 😭😭 It absolutely fills my heart and I’m so honoured to know that you read this while eating a meal your mum made, and it moved you with each line and feeling, and that you thought about Mary Oliver as an accompanying soundtrack to my writing!! 🥹🥹 Here’s to the soft, profound beauty of every part of the simple, ordinary life we get to live – each part filled with love, each part filling up our soul – this love letter is dedicated to the lives we live 💐💌 Thank you for your warm and kind words about this being a book or zine too – it lit me up! ✨ I found myself already starting to write parts of the next few midnight love letters even before this one was published, so there will be more coming – I’m just so touched to know what this meant to you 💛💛 I’m so grateful to have you here, my dear friend 🐇🌸🍵🍡🌙🍿🩵⭐️

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always creating <3 imagining telling myself all day for a few days that there is never a "i'm not creating" and "i'm creating" separation in my life... I am always creating

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🥲🥲 yes you are, dear Oorja! And to me, the gorgeous way that your feminine energy is always inspiring and expanding others feels like one of the most powerful acts of creation too 🌸🐚✨🤍 thank you for being here! xx

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Jun 24Liked by Suyin Tan

I’ve found so much resonance in this piece! It led me to reflect on the importance of being compassionate and gentle with ourselves always, but even more so when we have been navigating grief and other life challenges. I’m in awe of your writing, Suyin 😭🤍

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😭 thank you so much for your kind words Flor!! Yes how important it is to keep coming back to compassion, gentleness and patience with ourselves, with our lives 💗 May we always create the softest landing places for ourselves and our hearts ☁️🦢

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Wow Suyin this was so moving and reassuring to read. I love the image of midnight as when magic can be found. I started writing love letters to myself last summer when going through a breakup and a rough time in general and sometimes magic just slipped out when I least expected. It shows that the healing is also the creative process, it is also the creating. Glad to be part of your creative journey and thank you for making me feel seen as a creative despite the lack of creating a lot of the time!

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Hi Daniela, thank you so much for being here and for sharing!! It’s so, so beautiful that you started a practice of writing love letters to yourself and it took you through a time of heartbreak and healing ❤️‍🩹 I feel like that’s truly the essence of creating as we live life to the full, living life as art with care and attention to all our sensory and emotional experiences. I’m glad you resonate with the idea of midnight magic - I’m a night owl and I happen to get a lot of my inspiration for writing at midnight or after, so I do love that time ☺️🦉 Thank you for showing up in the world with your art too - I love the way you write with so much sensitivity and care to beauty, detail, and reflecting on the essence of life, and I look forward to reading more! 🌷

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You're so right about creativity coming from that care and awareness. And I'm actually a big morning bird but I think sometimes sparkle a little differently in the moonlight and ideas just come if you let them. And thank you for such kind words on my writing too.

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